Posts Tagged 'charge for a webinar'

News Roundup: Playing the Webinar Pricing Game

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Break out the calculator. Sharpen that pencil. It’s time to play the numbers game! Pricing your webinar is one of the hardest parts of the process. How much is too much? Should I offer discounts? All these questions and more need to be addressed and answered when figuring out what that magical dollar sign is. Below is this week’s roundup of how you can play that numbers game…and get those dollar signs coming in!

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What You Should Charge for a Webinar: A Question of Pricing

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piggy bank

One of the questions I get most often is about pricing: What should we charge for a webinar?

In 2011, webinar fees ranged from free to $599 for webinars running 45-75 minutes. The numbers haven’t changed much since then.

Most people worry that they’re charging too much. They’ll always say that their audience is very price sensitive and ...

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